Preston turned 5 months old on January 8th. He is getting huge! I estimate that he was around 18 or 19 lbs. at the time. He really started getting around all of a sudden too. The week that he turned 5 months, he started rolling around like mad! I'd find him 5 feet away from the blanket I laid him on!
I left him on the floor in my bedroom while I took a quick shower, and he rolled 10 feet into my master bathroom onto the tile floor next to the shower. Crazy kid! I really have to watch him now. He does NOT stay in one spot anymore.
I love his rosy cheeks and big smiles!

He's pretty serious and I'm pretty tired.
Loving his rings as usual!

Taking a nap with daddy.
The best part about this age is that Preston started sleeping through the night. I think it has something to do with how much moving around he can do now! He slept through the night for 3 weeks in a row. HOORAY!
Here are a few fun things I want to remember:
We started 8:30 a.m. church on January 1st. It's been quite the adventure trying to get us all up and ready for church. Preston occasionally sleeps until 9 a.m. so sacrament meeting can be rough! If I am lucky, he will fall asleep. And Michael plays the organ for the meeting, so I am single-momming it!
On January 2nd, we took Preston to his first movie in the theater: The Adventures of Tin-Tin. He did really well. He watched some of it and slept for most of it.
On Michael's birthday, I scored a huge deal on an adorable pair of boat shoes for Preston. They are technically his "first shoes." They are still too big, but so adorable. He matches his daddy now!
Preston is almost 6 months now, so I need to hurry and catch up! AHHHH!
1 comment:
8:30 am! Ouch! I didn't think any ward started before 9:00!
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