January was filled with tons of firsts. Preston learned how to push up on his hands and do mini-pushups with his belly off the floor. Cute. He also started watching Yo Gabba Gabba. He freakin' loves that show and it's so weird! He has started to put everything in his mouth too. I've given him a few tastes of banana, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and POPSICLE! He had some popsicle on his Grandma Pam's birthday and he freaked out. He kept trying to grab it and shove it in his mouth. So funny.
So far he's still nursing exclusively, but it's fun to see his reaction to little tastes of things. I am looking forward to feeding him some solids because I feel absolutely drained sometimes. Preston has a huge appetite! I feel like I nurse him 20 times a day.
He started waking up once a night to eat for about 2 weeks at the end of January. It drove me crazy to get up at 2 a.m., but then I realized he was probably going through a growth spurt. He definitely did a lot of growing. He practically skipped 6-month size clothes. He went from his 3-6 month clothes to 9-month clothes this last month. He wore some of his clothes once before he grew out of them. I am excited to see how much he weighs and how long he's gotten when we go to the doctor on February 9th.
In this picture, he was trying to eat the tag on his playmat. You can kind of see why I call him Friar Tuck. He has a bald spot in the shape of a ring along the sides and back of his head.

He's rolling around a ton! He tipped his whole playmat over one day. Strong kid.

His tongue seemed to pop out all of sudden this last month. It's pretty hilarious.

Apparently, this is the best angle for watching tv. He won't stay on his quilt at all anymore. It drives me nuts because he gets dirty from the carpet and wood floor. I guess I need to vacuum more often now. Whoops.

Handsome boy!
On Janury 25th, he managed to roll off the couch while I was sitting next to him. He cried a little bit and I cried a lot. I felt like such a bad mom. Needless to say, Preston doesn't get to lay on the couch anymore!

These orange-striped bulldog jammies are my favorite! They have a huge bulldog on the bum. Look at that full belly!

This is the face Preston makes when he gets really excited. His eyes get all big and he starts shaking his arms and legs really fast and exhaling quicky. It's so funny! He loves to go on walks every day. He usually nods off towards the end of each walk.

We started putting Preston in his bouncy chair now that he can hold himself up really well. He can't quite sit up on his own yet, but he does well when we support his hips and waist.

He doesn't really bounce in it yet, but can twirl around in it a little bit. His teeny tongue popping out just kills me!

He can still take naps anywhere. His favorite is to fall asleep while watching tv. A new habit he's formed is falling asleep when I feed him. Then he just lays on my lap while latched on and gets mad when I go to move or lay him down. It drives me NUTS!

Preston went to his first Stake Conference on January 22nd. He slept for a lot of it, but we had to leave before the closing song because he started getting cranky!

We pulled out the baby carrier to go on a walk after church one Sunday. Preston doesn't really like his carrier that much, but we will keep trying it out because it's easier to deal with than a stroller! He didn't mind daddy carrying him around with his sunglasses on.
Just chillin' in the gorgeous 70 degree January weather!

Preston is such a stinkin' cutie. I don't think I'm biased (too much) either! He's ridiculously adorable--just how a baby should be!

Button nose, round, rosy cheeks, big, blue eyes, double chin, chubby legs, pot belly, soft skin. Love him.
It's a good thing we had his tongue clipped, otherwise his tongue probably wouldn't be coming out of his mouth at all!

I feel blessed that he's such a good baby and so laid-back. He doesn't mind being held by others and is content to just lay on the floor. He's officially 6 months old today. I am really looking forward to seeing how much he will progress in the next few months. Should be a good time! I will do his 6-month post tomorrow after we go to the doctor.