While our friends were in town, we decided take advantage of the warm weather and go swimming in our community pool. We had to wait a bit for everyone to get ready, so I fed Preston right before, thinking that the pool would wash some of the food off! HA! Silly me.
The pool water was pretty darn cold and I didn't have the heart to dunk Preston in very far. So the food stayed on his face.
Michael was at work while we went to the pool so I stole some pictures from Fa and Cristin's camera! Chilly water!

Yay! A picture with me in it! haha. I'm hiding my whiteness behind cute Preston.

Preston seemed to get used to the water. We didn't go further in than chest-deep.

Haven got dunked, but I didn't feel like Preston was ready for that yet!

Juuuuuust chillin'. He actually kept his sunglasses on once he realized that they helped his eyes. Preston HATES the sun in his eyes.

We got back into the water to try another dip, and it was way easier than the first time. I think Preston will really love the pool this summer when it gets a little warmer.

We did more "laying out" than swimming. Don't worry, the SPF 60 was in full use. Look at those chunky thighs!
We bought this wetsuit thingy Preston a few weeks before Preston was born (on clearance OF COURSE! haha). It's 12 month size and you can see that it's pretty tight already. I didn't think I would have such a huge kid. I'm sure it won't fit once "real summer" gets here. It's only April for goodness' sake!
Love his dirty baby face and his chunky chin.
This kid LOVES to be outside. He's a pro at pushing up now.
I couldn't keep him on the towel for long. He loved rolling around on the deck of the pool.
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