Saturday, September 3, 2011

Some Birth Day Pictures

This is me... pretending to look happy.
Walking back to check-in.
Here's Michael's perspective of the birth.
Here are the first few family pictures.
Baby Preston has a football-shaped head from his breech position. The nurse told Michael that his head would get back to normal in a few weeks. Neither of us had even noticed that there was anything wrong with his head when she said this. We were both confused. haha.

Sadly, there are no pictures of me holding Preston on his birthday. I was super drugged up and for some reason, I didn't hold him much. I am kind of sad about this.


Gabby said...

He is SO super cute! Congratulations :)

Shellee said...

Oh. My. Crap. That is one seriously cute little kid!!! We just "oooooo"-ed and "awwwwww"-ed over these pictures. We need to come visit you. It's been TOO LONG!