Here's some stuff that's happened this summer:
I went with Michael's family down south to Kartchner Caverns and to Huachuca City to see some of their cousins. We spent some time at a little lake near Tucson.
Max enjoyed being the swimming cowboy.

Here I am keeping my skin beautiful in the shade.

Here's the whole crew. I was SOOO tired that whole trip.

We followed some cute kids around town in a Jeep Cherokee!

This is the only picture I got at Kartchner Caverns. Max was pretty bored after the tour and just wanted to go play with his cousin Sammy!

We went to a DB game with Trevor and Jessica Smith a few weeks ago. It was pretty hot and sweaty, but fun. We are making "db" signs by the way.

I took Max and Malachi to the Museum for Youth in downtown Mesa last month. I thought it would at least be fun for Max. There were a few fun things but Max got bored really quick. Malachi had fun with the building blocks there. At least we got in free!

McDonald's Trip
It is SOOOO hot here, so we met one of Max's friends from school at the playplace at McDonald's. These two are so cute and have the best time together.

I am so sad that summer is coming to an end!!!!
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