ANYWAY... it was really good to see my brother. On Friday we went to the Ventura County Fair. Average temperature in August in Ventura = 74 degrees. I was in heaven. It was cool to have the whole family there.
This is a quilt that I saw at the fair. I loved it.

Here are Jackson and Kelsey. Both are thrilled to be there.

The back of Michael's head on the way to the livestock pavilion.

This was an interesting sign we saw while we waited for freshly fried mini doughnuts. SO GOOD!

Jackson's foot, Michael's food, my feet waiting for the blacksmith show to start.

More blacksmith waiting. It started to get really cold as the sun started to set.

Here is the set of the village blacksmith. Michael and Stephanie both one a lucky pony shoe that the blacksmith made during the story his wife told.

We sat down to dinner. My hair gets really weird and curly in the front when it's humid outside.

Here's Stephanie, Mom, and Dad eating dinner.

Michael got an Italian sausage sandwich and I had a meatball sandwich.

Michael and Jackson getting a little closer.

More making fun of my silly forehead curl.

I loved everything about the fair. We saw the mineral and rock expo, the floraculture expo (Michael's favorite, I think), the commercial expo, the children's expo, the arts and crafts expo, the livestock pavilion, the Village Blacksmith show, the All-Alaskan Pig Races, some horse competitions, and all kinds of crazy fattening foods like chocolate-covered bacon.
I didn't really get any more pictures of the weekend. On Saturday we spent the day with the family. My grandparents were in town. Sunday was the big homecoming day at church. My brother gave a talk about service and my mother and I sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". It was a great Sunday. I got to see a lot of friends and was so glad that Cristin and Fa were able to drive up from San Dimas to spend some time with us. Love you guys!
So now my brother is on the market. If you know any fine young ladies for him to date, let me know and I'll pass the word along.