I had a lot going on during the Fall 2010 semester and it definitely went out with a bang. On December 14th (Tuesday), it was my 26th birthday. I was coming off a horrible 2-week cold (ALL DURING FINALS!!!!!) and I felt like I wasn't getting over it.
My friend Amanda threw her annual Christmas party on the night of my birthday. I was feeling totally blah... like, food was grossing me out. And that is bizarre. So I sucked it up and went to the party and ended up feeling better and having a good time. Here are a few pics:

Amanda was super sweet and got me a birthday cake which I didn't feel like eating. Uhhh. Weird.

The next day was Wednesday the 15th, and I was still feeling sick and really nauseated. I couldn't believe how horrible I felt and how I didn't want to eat anything! What kind of cold was this anyhow? So I got to thinking about how I could possibly be pregnant. This was a whole new kind of sick. I went to the grocery store and stood around looking at pregnancy tests until another lady with a toddler on her hip grabbed a box. I figured she knew about pregnancy tests, and followed her lead. (Those things are expensive, by the way!)
I will spare you the pictures of the pee sticks (I actually didn't take any pictures of them... that kinda grosses me out), but I took 3 of them and they were definitely all positive. After taking them, I looked at my miserable self blubbering in the mirror and said, "I don't know what to think about this!" It was really quite comical and I started laughing/crying. haha.
Then I called Michael and was still crying and sputtering. "I...I...I... th-think I'm pregnant. CRY CRY CRY." Of course Michael was very sweet and happy and trying to make me feel better. I was miserable and really didn't know what to think. Kind of confusing.
That night, I picked up my parents from the airport and tried not to barf the whole drive there and back. When we got home, I straight up told my parents that I thought I was pregnant. I felt like they needed to know why I was sooooo sick without actually being sick.
I graduated from ASU the next morning. It was a pretty rough day. I had to be there at 8:30 in the morning, and it was raining and I was pale and sick. ACK. My parents, Michael and my friend Sarah came to the morning festivities. We went to lunch at Mimi's Cafe and they brought us breakfast menus because it was like 10:30 a.m. I saw the pictures of eggs on the menu and just about threw up right there! I choked down a muffin and a bowl of French onion soup. Michael's parents joined us for the Herberger Institute graduation later that day.
Here are the pictures. I look sooo pale. haha.

1 comment:
Awww! Congrats on both graduating and pregnancy!!!! It will be great. You will be an awesome mommy.
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