October was a fun month. Preston did a lot of growing and learning. He found his hands and learned how to suck on them! He makes funny sucking noises at night in his crib. This also means that he won't take a pacifier much anymore. He smiles every morning when I get him out of his crib and we lay together in my bed and cuddle and play. Being a mom is finally getting fun!
Here he is getting ready to run an errand. (Not liking the pacifier, obviously!)

Making funny faces in his sleep.

First time wearing the Winnie the Pooh outfit from my mom, GRANDMA(!!!) Stacey.

Gorgeous blue eyes!

Chillin' on the couch!

Getting ready to go to the Ward Trunk or Treat. Michael was on a campout with the scouts, so I was a single mom. It was pretty rough! My pictures didn't turn out all that great.

Our little skeleton. The costume/pajamas from Old Navy. It glows in the dark too! CUTE! We also went to Michael's family's ward's trunk or treat on Saturday the 29th so that Michael could get in on the action. Michael dressed as a doctor and I dressed as a milkmaid (HAHA!). I didn't take pictures, because our costumes were kind of lame. We had fun chatting it up with our friends Dan and Rachel though. Good times.

Totally relaxed!

Taking a few pictures with the huge pumpkin before carving on Sunday the 30th. BALANCING ACT! We eventually carved the pumpkin into a cyclops. I didn't take a picture. I guess I don't feel like taking pictures of anything but our child. haha.

I don't think he liked it very much! PIST!

First time wearing real pajamas! It's finally cold enough to wear something other than a onesie to bed.

Again with the pretty eyes!

This is on actual Halloween. He was a lot more awake and a lot happier when we put his costume on this time. This kid is ridiculously cute. He got his first glimpse of zombies getting their heads blown off as we watched 2 episodes of "The Walking Dead" with our friends Adam and Cathie.

We got like 50 trick or treaters this year. The last 2 years, we've only gotten 10 or so. I guess our neighborhood is old enough now that people are catching on to the 200 houses packed into our tiny neighborhood. CHA CHING on the candy! We didn't have enough candy the first year and had to hand out a few hot chocolate packets. It was such a hit that we decided to continue handing them out. It's so crazy how kids love hot chocolate. WINNING!