Monday, January 5, 2009


I don't really feel like writing about all the stuff that has happened the last month.  We had Christmas, New Years, my birthday, Michael's birthday and our anniversary is today.  We moved into a new house and started going to our new ward. I finished another semester of school.That's a lot of stuff.  

The end.

p.s. I am not pregnant even though everyone else seems to be. haha.


Shellee said...

I'll be not pregnant with you. Ya, you guys have been really busy and it's okay. Life should normalize soon, right?
How is all of the house-making stuff?
Did you get me email on Facebook?

Amanda Swafford said...

I'm not pregnant either although some days I'd like to be! And then I look around my little condo and wonder where I'd put a baby and how that would fit into my school schedule...haha.