Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wedding Times
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Back in February, Michael was taking the young men in our ward to the temple at 4:30 in the morning. I was still sleeping when I heard the garage open at about 5:30. I wasn’t expecting Michael home for a few more hours, so I knew something was up. Michael came upstairs and told me that he’d been in a car accident!
He had three teenagers in the car with him in the right lane and there was a dump truck in the left lane. Well, the dump truck decided to get over into the right lane and didn’t see Michael. He also didn’t hear Michael’s honking. Michael tried to speed up and get out of the way, but didn’t quite make it. The dump truck hit the side of our beloved Accord and knocked him against the curb. Michael spun out and ended up in the median facing the opposite direction! CRAZY!
Michael has been going to the chiropractor for his back ever since the accident and today marks his LAST treatment. Holy smokes! Here are the pictures: